The KSC3 indicates engine knock visually and electrically using a 0-5v signal. The knock indication duration in the KSC3 can...
The KSC3 has two settings for knock detection resolution. 14.4KHz and 7.2KHz. 7.2KHz has a higher resolution than 14.4 but...
The KSC3 engine knock detection system contains a "Test" function inside it's Android app. (more…)
The KSC3 knock sensor ECU has a knock sensor "Signal Gain" setting where the user can choose between "Std" (Standard)...
The KSC3 knock sensor ECU uses RPM to enable a variable engine knock threshold. This article shows how to set...
When the KSC3 detects engine knock it can output a three-level 0-5v signal to an engine ECU. The engine ECU...
In this video we install the KSC3 standalone knock sensor ECU onto a VAG 1.8T engine (more…)
The KSC3 knock detection ECU can be run in two basic formats. One where we have both the LED and...
The release date for the KSC3 knock sensor ECU is June 10, 2024. (more…)