MAF CAL has received software update. This article details what has changed since v2. (more…)
This article compiles together some of the best sources on engine water injection information and gives my key takeaways. These...
MAF CAL, our MAF sensor calibration product has a function called BOV Assist. This is an experimental feature which we...
HP Academy did an interview with an Ilmor engineer and during that interview they got into the subject of knock...
This article covers the process for connecting Android to Bluetooth enabled devices. The example covers MoviChip products but I believe...
The KSC3 indicates engine knock visually and electrically using a 0-5v signal. The knock indication duration in the KSC3 can...
The KSC3 has two settings for knock detection resolution. 14.4KHz and 7.2KHz. 7.2KHz has a higher resolution than 14.4 but...
The KSC3 engine knock detection system contains a "Test" function inside it's Android app. (more…)
An easy way to think of sound is pulses of air reaching your ear. Sound has a frequency or frequencies....