HP Academy did an interview with an Ilmor engineer and during that interview they got into the subject of knock...
knock detection
The KSC3 indicates engine knock visually and electrically using a 0-5v signal. The knock indication duration in the KSC3 can...
The KSC3 has two settings for knock detection resolution. 14.4KHz and 7.2KHz. 7.2KHz has a higher resolution than 14.4 but...
The KSC3 engine knock detection system contains a "Test" function inside it's Android app. (more…)
The KSC3 knock sensor ECU has a knock sensor "Signal Gain" setting where the user can choose between "Std" (Standard)...
The KSC3 knock sensor ECU uses RPM to enable a variable engine knock threshold. This article shows how to set...
To fine tune ignition timing, life can be made much easier if we have a live knock signal sent to...
It is possible to listen engine knock by connecting a 3.5mm headphone jack to a knock sensor and running it...
When the KSC3 detects engine knock it can output a three-level 0-5v signal to an engine ECU. The engine ECU...
The KSC3 knock detection ECU can be run in two basic formats. One where we have both the LED and...