TimeTrial2 BASIC – Free lap timer app

TimeTrial2 BASIC – Free lap timer app

April 29, 2021 0 By Admin

The free lap timer app, TimeTrial2 BASIC is now available.

A quick overview, if you are not familiar with this free lap timer app.

TimeTrial2 BASIC, as the name suggests, is the basic version of the EVO edition lap timer.

Primary Differences BASIC vs EVO Lap Timers

There were some things that could be improved on the BASIC version and these updates have be incorporated in the EVO lap timer app. The difference between the BASIC and EVO editions…

Difference 1 – Accuracy

The biggest difference between the two lap timer apps is the accuracy.

We have tested the BASIC version and found the accuracy to be within 1.5 seconds of a Racelogic Performance Box.

For the EVO edition we have included some predicitive algorithms which improved the accuracy to within +/- 0.4 seconds of the Racelogic Performance.

In reality, on average, the accuracy of the EVO is within two tenths of a second of the Racelogic Performance box.

Difference 2 – Display

Interface. We have made the display on the EVO edition easier to read, we took out some data that was irrelevant, increased font sizes of data that was important and generally reorganized things

Difference 3 – Calibration

The settings in the CAL menu for GPS satellite accuracy are largely superfluous in the EVO edition as the calibration is done on the fly by the app internally now. If the user wants to set the GPS accuracy manually the option is still there but I can’t think of a reason where one would use it.

Difference 4 – Price

The BASIC edition is a free lap timer app whereas the EVO version is a paid version.

What is the same? (Paid vs Free lap timer app)

There are lots of detail changes but fundamentally the apps do the same thing

Lap Timing

Both apps record laps with a minimum of one split up to a maximum of 3 splits. Only difference is the accuracy and the display of the split times.

Route/Stage Timing

Both apps can record routes/stages. ie where the start and finish line are in difference places. The only difference being the EVO lap timer app is more accurate.

Speed & Altitude

Both versions of the app show speed and altitude but the fonts are much larger in the EVO app.

Google Play – Free Lap Timer App Download

This is the first app MoviChip has uploaded to the Google Play store and we want to see how it works (the process) before we upload other apps.

Check out the listing on Google Play, install the app and let us know what you think!

General Information

How to order


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