To understand how to reduce engine knock, I think it's useful to first have a good understanding of what engine...
ignition timing
To fine tune ignition timing, life can be made much easier if we have a live knock signal sent to...
Engine knock is the sound that the combustion process makes in the engine cylinder due to excessive pressures. Engine knock...
When the KSC3 detects engine knock it can output a three-level 0-5v signal to an engine ECU. The engine ECU...
Find the optimum ignition timing of your engine as you drive the vehicle. MoviChip is developing a product that can...
There is a new video on the MoviChip YouTube channel. The video looks at the "Knock ID" function in the...
Unfortunately we have abandoned development of the product for tuning ignition timing, Ignition Timing Manager. For all those people who...
A quick update on the progress of the Ignition Timing Manger. Knock Detection In our last update we said we...
EDIT 27/5/2020: We have decided not to integrate knock sensor control into this product. Click here for the latest development...
A quick update on the progress of an upcoming product, the Ignition Timing Manager. (more…)