MAF Signal Stabilisation for BOVs (Blow Off Valves) – MoviChip ATF

MAF Signal Stabilisation for BOVs (Blow Off Valves) – MoviChip ATF

October 19, 2018 0 By Admin

Apart from it’s core function of controlling engine fuelling, the MoviChip ATF also has the ability to stabilise the MAF signal going to the ECU

BOV (Blow Off Valves) MAF Signal Stabilisation

Why do we want to stabilise/control the MAF sensor signal on cars fitted with a BOV?

During gear changes the BOV is venting air to the atmosphere, air that has been measured/metered by the MAF sensor.

This causes a rich air fuel ratio during the gear change.

Depending on the level of tune and the type of engine, the problem of over fuelling can vary from simply rich mixtures with no noticeable effect for the driver, up to engine stalling.

A solution to this problem is to stabilise/control the MAF signal going to the ECU.

The MoviChip allows you to set what MAF voltage is sent to the ECU during the gear change. We call this “GEAR Stabilization”

The gear stabilisation voltage is chosen by the end user and can be set between 0 & 1 volt. This will be the fixed MAF voltage that the ATF sends to the engine’s ECU during the gear change.

How does the ATF know that the gear is being changed?

The “GEAR Stabilisation” voltage is sent when the vacuum in the intake manifold is at or below the threshold programmed in the ATF Android App

For this reason, this GEAR Stabilisation function will not be activated if the driver “flat shifts”

Note: This feature is designed for cars where the factory recirculating valve is activated by inlet manifold vacuum and not electronically.

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