
Automatic Engine Tuning – Quick Start Guide – MoviChip ATF

This video shows you how to setup the MoviChip ATF for automatic engine tuning. You need to set 5 settings

Automatic Engine Tuning with Bluetooth – MoviChip ATF

The MoviChip ATF tunes your engine automatically. You set the AFRs you want via our Bluetooth App, the ATF does

VVL Cam Activation Demonstration using MoviChip CamSwitch

Here is a quick video showing the MoviChip CamSwitch activating intake and exhaust camshafts on an SR20VE independently.

MoviChip CamSwitch – Overview

An overview of the MoviChip CamSwitch can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: VVL Cam Activation – Overview –

MoviChip Sensor 1 Threshold Setting Set activation threshold for Sensor 1

New release date for CamSwitch

We have pushed back the release date of CamSwitch until the end of July We want to add an extra

MAF curve

MAF Tuning – Pluses and Minuses

MAF tuning is a fast, easy and effective way to alter the fuelling of your engine but with some provisos

MAF curve

MAF Tuning Automatically

MAF tuning with the MoviChip MAF Manager

MoviChip CamSwitch - Test Relays

Bluetooth – Why we choose Bluetooth & Android

Bluetooth allows us to do three important things 1. Eliminates the need for the customer to run cables from the

MoviChip CamSwitch Unit. Mounts in engine bay

AutoPowerTuner – Development News – Circuit Board Testing

This is a quick progress/development update on the AutoPowerTuner. We have just received the production (if testing goes well!) circuit

RPM Window Switch inc WOT

Using the MoviChip CamSwitch and an RPM window switch The MoviChip cam switch can use up to two 5 volt