
Product Name Change – ATF2 will be called “MAF Manager”

If you are following our progress you will know that development of the ATF2 is running behind schedule

New Product – ATF2

We have added a new product to the MoviChip lineup.

Clamp MAF Signal – Why do it?

The MoviChip ATF lets you clamp your MAF voltage. You can clamp the maximum voltage and/or clamp the minimum voltage

BOV Gearchange Fuelling – MAF Signal Stabilisation

The MoviChip ATF allows you to control your fuelling during gearchanges. Especially useful for cars fitted with an aftermarket BOV

Piggyback ECU – Fuel tuning with MoviChip ATF

The MoviChip ATF is a piggyback ECU which adjusts the fuelling of your engine using your engine’s MAF sensor. The

Air Fuel Ratio Tuning with MoviChip ATF

Air Fuel Ratio tuning using the MoviChip ATF, your MAF sensor and a wideband lambda sensor

MAF Signal Stabilisation for BOVs (Blow Off Valves) – MoviChip ATF

Apart from it’s core function of controlling engine fuelling, the MoviChip ATF also has the ability to stabilise the MAF

MAF Tuning with MoviChip ATF

What is MAF tuning? MAF tuning is when you intercept the signal coming from your MAF sensor, alter is by

MAF curve

MAF Scaling – What is it? When to do it & how?

MAF scaling is when you adjust the signal from the MAF sensor by a set amount, a scale, and send

MoviChip ATF – Android App Instruction Manual 2018.9.27

How to use the MoviChip ATF App This product has been superseded by the MAF Manager 2.0 and MAF Manager